40th Birthday Jokes
What is it about one's 40th birthday that makes one dread it? The answer is that most people hate the thought of being "over the hill"! Even as turning forty is not one of the easiest things in the world, it sure does open up the flood gates of pranks and jokes! Some people take an almost sadistic pleasure in knowing that a friend or relative has turned forty! While they may not peer closely at your hair in the hope of spotting your gray hair, they will not pass up the opportunity of sending you a 40th birthday gift, joke or gag that conveys the message loud and clear! Leaving these people behind, there are others who love to have a good laugh and therefore enjoy sending out funny poems and gifts that not only lighten the event but bring joy and laughter along with sincere wishes to the recipient. Don't forget that turning forty is a milestone in life's journey, and has to be remembered. As this is an important birthday, make sure that you make your friend's f...